Watch IMMH 2023 Highlights

Watch the pearls of wisdom from our world class speakers at the IMMH 2023 conference:

Dr. Anna Lembke, MD

How the pleasure-pain balance has been disrupted in our modern societies leading to unprecedented levels of unhappiness, and how we can restore the balance by pursuing healthy pain

Dr. Achina Stein, MD

An overview of what to look for in functional medicine psychiatry compared to conventional psychiatry

Dr. Izabella Wentz, Pharm. D

How depression and OCD can be linked to Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, and how to diagnose them

Dr. Mary Ackerley, MD 

Neuroinflammation as a key driver of mood and anxiety disorders, and the pathogens and toxins which can lead to it

Dr. Stephen Porges, Ph.D 

Polyvagal Theory explained, and its role in mental and physical health

Dr. William Shaw, Ph.D

The role of acetaminophen, clostridia and glyphosate in autism and ADHD 

Dr. Joe Mather, MD and Dr. Arwen Podesta, MD

An overview of the common biological root causes of mood, anxiety and addiction disorders 

Dr. Felice Gersh, MD

The relationship between the endocannabinoid system and sex hormones, and their role in mental health 

Dr. James Greenblatt, MD 

The dramatic increase in suicidality among adolescents, the correlation between irritability and mood disorders, and the importance of nutritional lithium

Dr. Kat Toups, MD 

An overview of the key factors which led to an 84% success rate in her latest dementia study

Dr. Robert Hedaya, MD 

An overview of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and laser in groundbreaking HYLANE treatment for better brain health

Dr. Robert Lustig, MD

How ultra processed food is a primary driver of depression, anxiety and addiction via neurotransmitter imbalances 

Dr. Scott Antoine, DO 

A brief overview of PANS/PANDAS and some of the infections that correlate with these conditions in young people

Dr. Uma Naidoo, MD

Some key dietary interventions for gut, mood, memory and focus

Dr. Erin Amato, MD 

A brief overview of psychedelics and their potential role in integrative psychiatric treatment

Dr. Jill Carnahan, MD, ABIHM, AboIM

How inflammation and leaky gut can impact mental health 

Dr. Joe Pizzorno ND 

The correlation between the global mental health epidemic and increase in global toxic load

If you enjoyed these highlights and would like more information, join us for the IMMH 2025 conference in San Diego from 11-14 September, 2025:

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